From the seller: “Bought this from a neighbour friend when he retired from motorcycling, he had all crankshaft bearings replaced by Stan Stephens and then rode it around for about 900 miles.
It sat in his garage protected in Duck oil until I bought it.
Didn’t run very well so I had carbs professionally cleaned and then all was good: great fun zipping up and down my driveway 🙂
Left hand engine case had been repaired, it was ok but looked untidy, so I bought another which I never got round to fitting.
That was as far as I got, it was garaged while I got involved with horses and several years have passed.
I’m possibly on the move, so clearing space and it’s time to sell this on to someone who appreciates a classic of that era.
Hopefully photos will show what its like, but I’ll add a few words too: one of previous owners liked black, both mudguards, headlight brackets and exhaust painted, friend had cleaned off front mudguard and headlight brackets because paint had blistered.
Paint on exhaust is surprisingly sound with only some scratches.
Scratches on top of tail cone and right hand side panel.
Chrome wheels are in very good condition, as are indicators and even passenger hand rail; this is not a ‘barn find’ pile of rust.
If I have time, I will look at starting it; all appears ok, kicks over nicely with compression, clutch and gear selection operate as expected, front brake lever is limp, no bite at all.”
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